V-board master whiteboard marker


Pilot ponuja vrsto markerjev, ki ustrezajo vsaki potrebi.

Pilot ponuja vsestransko paleto visokokakovostnih in vzdržljivih markerjev za različne namene, od šole, pisarne do ustvarjalnih projektov doma. Z živahnimi barvami in gladkim pretokom črnila so markerji Pilot idealni za vse vaše potrebe: pisanje na bele table med vaši sestanki, označevanje dokumentov v službi, označevanje kartonskih škatel, okrasitev predmeta, risanje …

Številni markerji Pilot so ekološko zasnovani in jih je mogoče ponovno napolniti, hkrati pa zagotavljajo izjemno učinkovitost. Raziščite markerje Pilot za vse vaše dnevne potrebe!



Permanentni markerji

Permanentni markerji Pilot ponujajo črnilo z visoko prekrivnostjo za dolgo obstojnot in za označevanje na različnih površinah, vključno s plastiko, kovino in steklom. Njihova formula, ki se hitro suši in je odporna na vodo, zagotavlja čiste rezultate brez madežev. Vzdržljivi in ​​vsestranski so popolni tako za profesionalna kot vsakodnevna opravila.

permanent marker 100
Permanent marker 100 (Fine/Bullet tip)
permanent marker 400
Permanent marker 400 (Broad/Chisel tip)
scan ultra fine marker
Scan Ultra fine
scan extra fine marker
Scan Extra Fine
v super color permanent marker
VSuper Color
twin marker for CD/DVD
TwinMarker CD-DVD
permawash marker for clothes
CD/DVD marker
CD-DVD Markers
Twin marker Jumbo
Twin Marker Jumbo
Twin marker
Twin marker
Paint marker
Paint marker
Super color white marker
Super color
permanent marker 100

Permanent marker 100 (Fine/Bullet tip)

Take up the challenge
Among the pros, here is the brand new Pilot Permanent Marker! Its mission?

  • To write on everything: wood, metal, plastic… and everywhere.
  • Resisting everything: water, light, cold, heat… and staying efficient, even if you leave the cap off for a whole day. Its presentation? Design!
  • Available in 4 colours and 2 different versions, Permanent Marker 100 with its fine ogive tip is just as efficient as Permanent Marker 400 with its wide chiseled tip… Just choose your style !

The new Pilot Permanent Marker has all the qualities of the professional you want with you every day: serious, reliable and always ready to take on a challenge!

permanent marker 400

Permanent marker 400 (Broad/Chisel tip)

Take up the challenge
Among the pros, here is the brand new Pilot Permanent Marker! Its mission?

  • To write on everything: wood, metal, plastic… and everywhere.
  • Resisting everything: water, light, cold, heat… and staying efficient, even if you leave the cap off for a whole day. Its presentation? Design!
  • Available in 4 colours and 2 different versions, Permanent Marker 100 with its fine ogive tip is just as efficient as Permanent Marker 400 with its wide chiseled tip… Just choose your style !

The new Pilot Permanent Marker has all the qualities of the professional you want with you every day: serious, reliable and always ready to take on a challenge!

scan ultra fine marker

Scan Ultra fine
scan extra fine marker

Scan Extra Fine
v super color permanent marker

VSuper Color
twin marker for CD/DVD

TwinMarker CD-DVD
permawash marker for clothes

CD/DVD marker

CD-DVD Markers
Twin marker Jumbo

Twin Marker Jumbo
Twin marker

Twin marker
Paint marker

Paint marker
Super color white marker

Super color
permanent marker on cardboard box

Permanentni markerji SCA-100/400

za profesionalna opravila, permanent marker 100/400 zagotavlja dolgo obstojnost črnila, odporno na bledenje, ki se oprime večine površin in zagotavlja, da vaše delo ostane jasno in natančno.

  • Permanentna barva na materialih (karton, kovina, les,… )
  • Hitro sušeče črnilo
  • Odporen na vodo in svetlobo

Markerji za bele table

Pilot markerji za belo tablo zagotavljajo gladko drseče in izrazito črnilo, ki se zlahka obriše s katere koli površine bele table, ne da bi pustilo madeže. Zasnovani s prirezano ali okroglo konico, ponujajo natančnost in drznost za predstavitve ali uporabo v razredu. Idealni za profesionalce in učitelje, saj zagotavljajo jasno in izbrisljivo pisanje ob vsaki uporabi.

V-board master S whiteboard marker
Master S
v-board master S with eraser whiteboard marker
Master S with eraser
V-board master cone tip whiteboard marker
Wyteboard marker
V-board master S whiteboard marker

Master S


Slim and fine perfect for school !

A marker that glides across the whiteboard and fades so easily without leaving a trace : It is the V Board Master S. Thanks to its slim body for a perfect handling by children, they will discover the pleasure in writing with this efficient and practical whiteboard marker. In a schoolbag or for using at home, V board master S is the perfect tool for learning. With 4 vivid and bright ink colours available pushes all limits and shines !

  • Refillable product more economical and respectful of the environment.
  • Erasable ink specific for whiteboards. Easy to erase, ink disappears without a trace.
  • Made with 72% of recycled plastic (excluding consumables), to reduce our impact on the environment.
  • Pen with cap.
v-board master S with eraser whiteboard marker

Master S with eraser


Slim and fine perfect for school !

A marker that glides across the whiteboard and fades so easily without leaving a trace : It is the V Board Master S. Thanks to its slim body for a perfect handling by children, they will discover the pleasure in writing with this efficient and practical whiteboard marker. In a schoolbag or for using at home, V board master S is the perfect tool for learning with its included eraser on the cap : write and erase easily ! With 4 vivid and bright ink colours available pushes all limits and shines !

Refillable product more economical and respectful of the environment.
Erasable ink specific for whiteboards. Easy to erase, ink disappears without a trace.
Made with 72% of recycled plastic (excluding consumables), to reduce our impact on the environment.
Pen with cap.

V-board master cone tip whiteboard marker



A technical innovation, the V-BOARD MASTER is a refillable, liquid ink whiteboard marker pen. The new ink irrigation system allows for instant writing without shaking or pumping as well as a constant ink flow: gone is the marker which writes less and less the more it is used! You will be delighted with the intensity and luminosity of the colours of the V-BOARD MASTER. This marker is part of the Begreen range, manufactured from recycled plastic.

  • Erasable ink specific for whiteboards. Easy to erase, ink disappears without a trace.
  • Refillable product more economical and respectful of the environment.
  • Made with 93%* of recycled plastic (excluding consumables), to reduce our impact on the environment.
  • Pen with cap.
Wyteboard marker

whiteboard markers

V-Board Master

Pilot V-Board Master markerji zagotavljajo žive, dolgotrajne barve s sistemom črnila, ki ga je mogoče ponovno napolniti, zaradi česar so okolju prijazna izbira za bele table.

  • Izbrisljivo črnilo, specifično za uporabo na belih tablah. Enostavno za brisanje, črnilo izgine brez sledu.
  • Izdelek za ponovno polnjenje je bolj varčen in okolju prijazen.
  • Izdelano iz >90 %* reciklirane plastike (razen potrošnega materiala), da zmanjšamo naš vpliv na okolje.
    *(brez polnila in neplastičnih komponent), kar je 68 % celotne teže izdelka brez embalaže

Dekorativni markerji

Dekorativni markerji Pilot so kot nalašč za dodajanje živahnih, ustvarjalnih potez vsakemu projektu, od beležk do domačih ročnih del. Njihovo drzno, barvito črnilo deluje na različnih površinah kot so papir, steklo in plastika. Idealen za izražanje vaše ustvarjalnosti z natančnostjo in občutkom.

Pintor creative marker in gold
Twin marker
Twin marker
Laundry tech marker for clothes
Laundry Tech
Paint marker
Paint marker
Super color white marker
Super Color
Pintor creative marker in gold

Twin marker

Twin marker
Laundry tech marker for clothes

Laundry Tech
Paint marker

Paint marker
Super color white marker

Super Color
Pintor creative markers decorating glass cup with yellow lemons

Pintor dekorativni markerji

Popoln za risanje, barvanje, okraševanje, označevanje, pisanje, kaligrafijo na vseh površinah.

  • Večpovršinsko (les, papir, blago, kamen, plastika, steklo, kovina…)
  • Izjemno odporno in neprozorno črnilo.
  • 30 barv za mešanje za neskončne odtenke.
  • Na voljo v 4 debelinah izpisa (Extra Fine, Fine, Medium & Broad)


V-board master whiteboard marker
permanent marker on cardboard box