Rexgrip - Tehnični svinčnik - Modra - Begreen - 0.5 mm
Begreen etiketa
74.0% *
* Odstotek recikliranega materiala izključuje zamenljive dele (kartuše, črnila, polnila ali minice) in embalažo izdelkov.
Širina izpisa
0.5 mm
Širina izpisa
Sustainable development also involves recycled pencils, think about it :Looking for a mechanical pencil? Pilot highly recommends our Rexgrip, made from recycled plastic and available in a wide range of colours. Exists in a set with the ballpoint pen version and is refillable, naturally.…
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Rexgrip - Tehnični svinčnik - Modra - Begreen - 0.5 mm
Sustainable development also involves recycled pencils, think about it :Looking for a mechanical pencil? Pilot highly recommends our Rexgrip, made from recycled plastic and available in a wide range of colours. Exists in a set with the ballpoint pen version and is refillable, naturally.Features & Technology :
  • Full Sliding Sleeve
  • Ergonomic grip
  • Integrated eraser
  • Made from recycled plastic